Monday, March 1, 2010

3-1-10 grateful for today

1. My mom
2. The full moon
3. Cool weather
4. My 15 minute timer
5. All of my emotions
6. Connection and sharing with friends and people
7. Aware of love as a common truth
8. Projections and shadows
9. Trust
10. The unknown

I am in a very great space today. Yesterday I cried a lot. A small loss opened up lots of windows of repressed grief and I feel like I released a lot. I feel lighter and brighter. I am walking around in beauty, around beauty, and as beauty. Life is just great. It sounds like I'm in love. I am. With life and myself and with my friends and family and people. I'm trying not to sound like "cheese" and I just can't help it. *grin*

Okay, grateful of projections and shadows. I am so grateful when I become aware of the projections I'm putting out on people because it leads me to a part of myself that I haven't seen before. I part that I had chosen to be ashamed of and pushed into a corner and then didn't see it again. I know I'm projection when I have emotion and the thought that "that person made me feel this way." That's one of the clues. Like when I hear of a person threatening someone else. "If you don't [whatever], I'm going to [do something to you]." I have anger coming up. (Yes, something happened today and because of confidentiality I am not going to post the details here. You all have your own stories that you can put in the spaces provided. It all works the same). So, I have anger coming up. I am projecting my anger onto that person. My anger does not belong directed at that person. My anger is truly directed at myself and since I don't like that, I project it out. I'm angry with myself because what I saw that other person doing that I disapprove of, I have done and I have not felt good about myself about doing it. So I hid it in the shadow. Being aware takes it out of the shadow and I'm grateful for that.

That's my 15 minutes.

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