Sunday, April 25, 2010

4-25-10 grateful for today

1. Beautiful breezy lazy Sundays
2. Time to relax and reflect
3. Connection
4. Playing at the park yesterday
5. Sore muscles today
6. Being present in each moment
7. Letting my life unfold
8. Allowing others to be who they are and holding space
9. infinite possibilities
10. Abundance

Oh, I just looked around for my 15 minute timer because I forgot to set it at the beginning of this. It's not in this room. I'm much too relaxed to go and get it, so we'll just wing it today.

I had a great time at the park yesterday playing with my friend and her family: kickball, frisbee, monkey in the middle, walks, talks, and connection. We attempted to cut my dogs nails which was a trauma for me. My friend assures me that I was more traumatized than my dog. We got the front nails clipped. The rest of the time was playing and me trying to remember to breathe when I run. I learned to run way a long time ago and I would hold my breath in terror. It took my a very long time to understand why people like to "go for a run". I figured they liked to torture themselves with terror, because that was what it felt like to me to run. I'm much better now, I have grown and let go of my old belief and have a new belief that running is fun and feels good . . . . now is the practice to get my body to believe that too. Breathe when I run. I repeated it a lot today.

I've found that I repeat out loud a lot of my new beliefs. A friend of mine got annoyed with me the other day because he reacted to it like I was preaching to him. So, he heard me telling him that he's wrong for his beliefs. I hadn't realized that I've been telling myself aloud my new beliefs, while my friends are present . . . . or rather, that they would not realize that I'm speaking aloud to myself my new beliefs while they are present. So, that was interesting.

I'm going to say that's my 15 minutes, even though I hadn't been keeping track of the time.

Friday, April 23, 2010

4-23-10 grateful for today

1. Water
2. Breathing
3. Choices
4. Opportunities to allow my healthy adult to step in
5. Ability to change my mind
6. Chanting
7. Meditation
8. Change
9. Sharing
10. Journals

Got out of bed this morning and the first word I uttered was "Dammit!" I had stepped on one of the many things I have had lying on my floor for weeks. A teacher had mentioned that I pay attention to my dreams, so I have been. And feeling like I'm not sleeping at all. These things are my responsibility. I put all those papers and things on the floor because I couldn't decide where their place was in my house. I'm the one paying intense attention to my dreams and missing sleep and the message.

So, lets look that just those two things this morning. I couldn't decide where to put these things that are on my floor (and throughout my house). And the deep root of that in me is I can't be wrong. What if I put them somewhere and then I figure out that its not the right place for them? What a horrible person I am. I can't even figure out where to put my backup CDs. My brain knows and understands if I put them someplace and that place doesn't work out, I can move them to another place. My emotions, on the other hand, I'll feel like a failure if I don't put them in the perfect spot the very first time. That's where "grateful for the ability to change my mind" comes from.

I'm the one paying intense attention to my dreams because my teacher suggested that I will have messages coming to me through my dreams. This is similar to the one before. Instead of just letting myself sleep with a little bit of extra awareness and reflection when I get up in the morning. I make it something that I HAVE to do and I HAVE to do correctly. What if I miss something. I'm going to miss the message. I need to slow down and trust that if I miss it, it will come around again. That me living my life is okay, it's safe, I'm not wrong. I am perfect for my life. My life is perfect for me.

That's my 15 minutes.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

4-22-10 grateful for today

1. Breath
2. Life
3. My soul
4. Open to all possibilities
5. Choices
6. Taking full responsibility for my life now
7. Love
8. Asking without attachment
9. Receiving help I've asked for
10. Insights

I'm grateful today for my bed and my adorable (currently noisy) dog. I am exhausted. I'm going to sleep. I trust my soul. I trust my soul to take me on an exploration of my spirituality.

Love and light to the world.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

4-20-10 grateful for today

1. My adorable dog
2. My mom helping me out
3. My progress I've made
4. My car running well
5. Financial abundance
6. My creative abilities and talents
7. My dedication
8. Honesty
9. Trust in the unknown
10. My good enough job that currently pays my bills

The last week or so, I haven't been keeping my grateful list in my heart as I go through my day. I'm aware of it when I make the list, and then that task is done so I put it out of my mind until the next time I write it. That is not the purpose of me writing this list. It is so I can take this gratitude with me throughout my day and add to it. I need to get back to that purpose of this list, rather than "getting my gratitude done and out of the way". I had turned it into something to be completed, rather than a seed to grow and flourish.

I set my intention to take this list with me and my gratitude with me today and feel gratitude growing inside me throughout my day.

Much love and light.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

4-18-10 grateful for today

1. The dog food store being open today
2. Supportive responses from my friends
3. Every new moment a possibility to shift and change
4. Change
5. Open to possibilities
6. Choices
7. Adventure and risks
8. Wonderful cool cloudy weather
9. Connected inside and to the world
10. Unconditional love.

I started out yesterday pretty well. Then I turned into loser mode. I know it was my choice. Looking back, I believe I spent too much time trying to figure out my budget. I'm trying to do it a new way and I'm confusing myself. Instead of taking a break (or using my 15 minute timer), I pounded myself on the budget from 9 am till 2 pm until I was so frustrated and annoyed with myself. I then chose to spend the rest of my day reading a novel and watching mindless TV and feeling sorry for myself.

So, today is a fresh start. I do feel some leftover "loser" emotions from yesterday. My urge to crawl under a rock and not move is very strong. So, I'm going to arm myself with my 15 minute timer. I can do anything for 15 minutes. I choose to embrace this day with love, joy, openness, and trust.

I have some changes happening. I've put myself back out there as a video editor. I have a temp second job starting in a week. I have a very good close friend leaving this area to pursue her dreams (which points out to me how much I talk about my dreams and how little I do towards them). I have changes happening physically, emotionally, and spiritually that I need to remember that I'm not alone. I can take care of myself. I need to remember the forward progress that I've made (some days I feel like I'm all the way back at square one).

Maybe I should start taking risks, or being aware of what risks I do take. What's a risk I can take today? Finish my short script and send it out to the actors I have lined up and schedule the dates for the shoot.

That's my 15 minutes.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

4-17-10 grateful for today

1. Honesty
2. Wonderful cool cloudy weather
3. Getting out of the house
4. Friends
5. My adorable dog
6. My body
7. Every moment of life
8. My choices and decisions
9. Ability to change my mind
10. Negotiation and collaboration

Honesty with myself is beautiful. The things I'm being honest with myself may not be beautiful, may be hard for me to look at, and hard for me to say aloud or write down. The act of being honest with myself is beautiful. And necessary. There have been things in my life that I have done that I have made taboo of speaking about or acknowledging. Now, your imagination may run wild, and these things are not that crazy out there. I am not comfortable speaking about them here in this open forum and I will tell you that other healthy adults do not have a problem about speaking of these things in trusted company. A lot of people acknowledge these things privately to themselves. So, today, this morning, I have been able to finally acknowledge to myself that I am human and have these "things" also. As you can tell from my round-a-bout way of speaking that I'm still uncomfortable with acknowledging these "things" and also how I'm feeling about it. More work for me to process. I am celebrating that I am finally able to be honest with myself and acknowledge them and my feelings. I need to be aware in order to process or change. So that's a step.

I'm looking forward to going to the park with my dog and meeting a friend and her dog. It will be good to get out of the house. A major PURGE and SHIFT of my physical living space is in order so that I enjoy being in my space more and enjoy going out to enjoy nature more. Rather than my going out is to escape how my house currently feels to me.

Well, I gotta get a move on and call my friend. Much love and light to all.

Friday, April 16, 2010

4-16-10 grateful for today

1. My therapist
2. My body
3. My adorable dog
4. The cool weather
5. Acceptance
6. Connection
7. My car running well
8. Water
9. Abundance and prosperity
10. Time

My dog is barking at me, wanting my attention. I want to meditate this morning and am wondering if I have enough time before work. I've had an interesting couple of days.

I am grateful for my therapist. I almost didn't put it down on my list. I was afraid that people would know I go to a therapist and therefore would judge me as unstable. Even though I state repeatedly that everybody could use a little therapy. The other resistance of putting it on my list is if it is appropriate. Confidentiality is very big for me to be able to do the therapy work that I do. Sometimes I do a little dance and struggle in my head as to what is appropriate to share and what isn't.

I have many tools that I have learned from my therapist that I use to process feelings, to understand situations, to remain true to myself and calm and loving to others. Something came up that I was at a loss as to how to process it and I'm grateful to my therapist for being there with me and helping me through it and teaching me a new way to process. I felt a huge shift within me and I asked a friend of mine who sees me everyday and she said it was a major shift. And I'm grateful I have a new tool to process things with.

I'm not taking the full 15 minutes as I want to chant and meditate before going to work. Love and light to all.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

4-13-10 grateful for today

1. Ken's blog at
2. Asking without attachment
3. My vision board
4. My talents and abilities
5. Unconditional love and acceptance
6. Trust
7. My car running well
8. My adorable dog
9. Taking risks
10. Cool rainy cloudy weather.

Check out Ken's blog here: His blog for April 12th is insightful also. I'm so grateful that there are resources out there that people like Ken share. It's nice to be reminded that I'm the only one that does it like me. I had recently been offered an opportunity to teach shooting on a set. I am good at what I do and I'm also good at teaching. The thing that was stopping me and what I put out there as an excuse to hide behind my resistance was my equipment. My equipment is old and out of date and most of it I made myself from home depot. The things I shoot, you wouldn't be able to tell that the equipment is not "professional". And I was using this excuse and hiding behind that my fear of rejection. My equipment will be laughed at, I wont' be taken seriously because of my equipment. Just take equipment out of those sentences and my real and true fear comes to the front. I'm afraid I'll be laughed at, I'm afraid I won't be taken seriously just as myself. And I become clear. I take these secretary jobs because I know it's not risk. Because I know I won't be challenged. Because I know if I screw up, I won't care. And so I take these jobs that do not fit, that I don't care about, and then I don't care about anything in the world.

There was a time when I did challenge myself, when I spent all my time at creating a business for myself. I did pretty well, yeah, I made some mistakes, AND I was doing it. In the end, I hadn't processed my personal terror, and I got in my own way. Now what? Now what risk am I going to take? What am I afraid of?

That's my 15 minutes.

Monday, April 12, 2010

4-12-10 grateful for today

1. Rain
2. My adorable dog
3. Engaging with people
4. Each new moment is a choice
5. A good friend to spend lunch with
6. Time moving along
7. Physical movement
8. Free
9. Abundance of opportunities and directions for me to go in
10. Choosing ALL

I made my list at work today. I was having a "my-life-sucks" day. I came home and had a cry and scream into my release pillow day. It's not even stuff that happened today. It was a build up of emotions getting stuck in my body. I have a lot of them stuck in my body. I'm grateful for my body. I'm grateful for physical movement to release all that is stuck all over my body. It's not just hurt and pain stuck in there. Pleasure and joy are stuck in there to. Along with excitement. What's very interesting for me is that I really have to pay a lot of attention to breathing when I'm doing physical activity. It needs to be conscious thought for me to breathe. Because for most of my life, I didn't breathe through physical movement or physical touching. Physical exercise is much different when I'm breathing. I feel like my blog is not very cohesive or coherent tonight. That's okay. There's always another tomorrow.

Much love and light.

Friday, April 9, 2010

4-9-10 grateful for today

1. Snoozing more than once.
2. Gmail
3. Organization
4. Endless possibilities
5. Infinite opportunities
7. Choices
8. Relaxation
9. Beautiful sunrise
10. My good enough job

I snoozed my alarm for an hour. I was up late with the dog. There were lots of weird noises last night and he was jumping up and barking at every one. We both finally fell into a good sleep about midnight. So, I'm taking a slow morning getting around for work. I love Gmail, it's so easy to organize my emails on there. I know I'm in an organizing mood because I just spent a half hour organizing my emails. So, tonight after work, its organization time (with my 15 minute timer).

It's a beautiful orangey peachy color in the east. I'm looking forward to the weekend and accomplishing many tasks. I'm in slow mode and that's okay for today. It's good to have slow periods and take my time to look around and feel my experience rather than just do and get it done.

Much love and light to all.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

4-8-10 grateful for today

1. Happy Hour
2. My video equipment
3. Laughing doubled over until no sound comes out and tears do
4. Good friends
5. Food
6. My bed and sleeping
7. Infinite possibilities
8. Bartering
9. Trust
10. Openness

I'm grateful for life. I have had a pretty rough time the past few days being grateful for things and finding negativity creep into my life. And with that, the illusion that the problems in my life are caused by external things. I am the power in my life and I choose to keep my power. Therefore I take full responsibility for my life as it is. I have made the choices in it and I am the one that has gotten me to this moment. The universe is infinite as I am infinite.

I can hear some of you say, "Oh, THAT'S why you haven't been blogging your grateful list everyday, you been having a rough time." Which can make sense. I choose to believe it is the other way around. I've had a rough time being grateful because I haven't done my grateful list every day.

It seems as though my choices and decisions are getting bigger, that what I choose has more effect on my life. I think the choices have been there all along, I just didn't allow myself to see them. So, as I gather my power back, I'm seeing the bigger choices and adventure. And as I see the bigger choices and make decisions, I gather my power back. I've gotten scared a few times about all the possibilities presented to me. I realize now when I just want to sit and watch movies all day or play video games, it means I'm avoiding seeing a big choice or choices in front of me. I've had that the last few days, and when I'm present in the moment, I can see a huge number of possibilites for my life to choose from. And what's really cool, being a scanner, I get to choose all of them!

That's my 15 minutes.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

4-6-10 grateful for today

1. A relaxed morning
2. Goodbye
3. open to all possibilities
4. Connected to AND & ALL
5. My adorable dog
6. My car running well
7. My good enough job
8. The end of my vacation
9. Choices
10. Universal energy

I've realized that I have been thinking in terms of "lack", in terms of "either/or". Such as, I can either afford this evening seminar or this Tai Chi class. I need to be thinking in terms of "AND" & "ALL". I have the power within me to be able to attend this evening seminar AND this Tai Chi class. I have the ability and time to to do ALL that I want to do. It gets a bit tricky for me as my finances are committed to past debts at this time. And also there is this thing called "when". I would not be able to attend the evening seminar and tai chi class if they were held at the same time, so finding ones that fit in my time schedule is something I do naturally. Finding ones that fit in my budget monetarily and time wise, I'm not as practiced yet. So, something to work on. Rarely is anything in this world "one time only". Our soul lessons keep repeating for us, so do opportunities. The evening seminar will come around again. The Tai Chi class is ongoing. It is possible to think in terms of AND and ALL and stop limited myself. I am able to have my good enough job and enjoy the people there and celebrate my income AND pursue my career of passion AND all my other ideas and creativity that come up.

Life is experience and beautiful. Much love and light . That's my 15 minutes.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

4-4-10 grateful for today

1. My friend Jamie
2. The beach
3. Sharing
4. Acceptance
5. Unconditional love
6. My adorable dog
7. Change
8. Open to possibilities
9. Joy
10. The sun and earth

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a couple of days. I'm not giving an excuse. I take full responsibility for missing 2 whole days in a row. My friend Jamie is staying with me visiting and we have been connecting and sharing and I did not make time for this list. I have been enjoying the last couple of days immensely. I am leaving Jamie alone in the other room, so I'm not going to take up too much more time on this list today.

Love and light.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

4-1-10 grateful for today

1. Happy Hour
2. Mastermind
3. Sharing with other souls
4. Life experiences
5. Arts and crafts
6. Letting go
7. Valuing myself
8. Knowing when others are projecting onto me
9. Scanners!
10. Honesty

Yes, Happy Hour is at the top of my list and it's something different than what a majority will think it is. I'm starting a business enterprise with a partner and we are calling our weekly meetings Happy Hour. We are starting a partnership business venture doing things that we love to do and this is to remind us that we are Happy talking about ideas and action steps and procedures and who to get involved and all that stuff that goes into a business that sometimes gets tedious. We focus on this business being fun and enjoyable and that other stuff is fun an enjoyable too because we are our own bosses. We make all the decisions. And so, Happy Hour. My business partner is also a scanner (see Barbara Sher's "Refuse to Choose" for more info on scanners), which makes it a lot of fun also because the directions we go and are following are unlimited. Scanners in business together making a scanner business. This will be so much fun.

I am grateful that there are other souls on this planet that I'm able to share with and are able to share with me. All life's experiences are precious and we learn on our path. The exchange of energy with true sharing of self is such a beautiful and amazing process. Powerful. Exchanging of energy, energy is power, open and honest sharing of self. I know before for most of my life, I shared about other people because I didn't want to lose my energy, what I didn't know, and what was not taught to me, that sharing about myself, truly and honestly, fills me with more energy and power than hoarding all the energy inside me for myself. Energy gains power exponentially when shared. I know now that when I'm talking with another person about somebody that is not there is an illusion. It is not sharing my energy. It's not sharing any energy at all. It's a false sense of connection, that leaves me feeling empty and alone. It's this illusion that our society has been teaching for generations out of "politeness" and "decorum". When sharing how we truly feel honestly with others that accept and support our feelings just by holding sacred space for them, will do so much more for our society than any prisons or laws or government.

That's my 15 minutes.