Thursday, October 21, 2010

10-21-10 grateful for today

1. Water
2. Air
3. My adorable dog
4. My bed
5. Love from friends
6. Healing
7. The sun and outside
8. Endless possibilities
9. Food fairies
10. Email

Back again to start my grateful list daily. I wrote this one at work this morning as I was having a tough time being alive today. I hurt way deep down inside. Feelings that I've buried for decades are revealing themselves to me and finally coming out into the light.

It's hard feeling this deep hurt and accepting that it is a part of me. That's where this list is so helpful, so necessary for me to be able to live, and know that living is much more than just surviving. I'm ready to walk this deep hurt through me and release it . . . . it's tough.

Love and light.