Thursday, March 11, 2010

3-11-10 grateful for today

1. Mastermind
2. Coworkers and my good enough job
3. endless possibilities and opportunities
4. experiences in life
5. every moment of every day
6. My adorable dog
7. Learning that a budget is flexible, not rigid
8. Desiring to sit on my balcony
9. More cool weather coming next week
10. Receiving the edited footage of the movie I shot three years ago!

I am so excited!! I feel like a part of me has come home. I will finally see the final edit of the movie I shot 3 years ago. I produced and was the cinematographer while my friend was the director and editor. After we wrapped shooting the movie, both of our lives were turned upside down. He moved away and I fell apart emotionally. Finally he sent me the backup drive of all the edits and raw footage. I have it loaded in my computer and I'm waiting for all the files to render! I'm so grateful that I finally get to wrap this production up and honor all of my promises of a finished movie to all that worked on the film. The people that were in it have moved to all corners of America.

It's interesting, that was my last big project and my last serious filmmaking project. I've dabbled with some fun shorts and nothing too involved. I've just this past couple of months been delving back into filmmaking and that community and that's when this shows up at my door. I have video transfer jobs to do again, and this, and I'm talking about productions with a producer friend of mine. I'm really ready to jump back in. This is my passion. This is my career. I LOVE MAKING MOVIES. I'm ready to jump in the deep end and enjoy splashing around.

Life is amazing when I am grateful for what I'm getting. I'm getting quite a lot.

Oh my gosh! I must be really excited. About to when I get through the third paragraph, the 15 minute timer is going off. I still have 5 minutes left! I'm typing very quickly and words are just pouring out. And so I don't just fill up the rest of the time with words, I'm going to say goodnight, now.

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