Wednesday, February 18, 2015

2-17-15 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  Cold weather
3.  Quiet morning
4.  My car running well
5.  Warm blankets
6.  My Light within
7.  The Light
8.  Love
9.  Naps
10.  Working from home.

It took me all day to come up with those 10 things.   I need to do this more. Love and Light

Friday, February 13, 2015

2-13-2015 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  My car running well
3.  Soul retrieval
4.  Music/Chanting
5.  Sleeping well
6.  Cold weather
7.  Heating pad
8.  My apartment
9.  Unconditional Love
10.  The Light.

I don't have much to say today.  I'm working from home now and I miss interacting with people.  Love and Light.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

2-1-2015 Grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  My car running well
3.  Spot Bot cleaner
4.  Unconditional Love
5.  Meeting
6.  Music and Chanting
7.  Washer Dryer in the apartment
8.  Cold Weather
9.  Warm Jackets
10.  The Light

I was thinking the other day about halos, and auras.  In old paintings and mosaics, the halo is depicted as a disc vertically behind the head, shining out, like light.  When did the halo become a golden ring floating horizontally above the head?  It never looked right to me, even as a kid in cartoons.  I would ask what it was in the cartoon and my grandmother would tell me its a halo, and show me and old picture where it was the vertical disk.  The two were not the same and I puzzled in silence.  Now I believe that halo is really aura, that when one shines their Light given to them by Spirit, people can see that shining aura around them, maybe back then it's a different word for aura.  The floating golden right above the head seems more materialistic than Spiritual.  Love and Light.