Saturday, February 15, 2014

2-15-14 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  My car running well
3.  Being of service
4.  Saturday
5.  Dunkin Donuts
6.  Endless possibilities in every moment
7.  Love and support of friends
8.  My home
9.  Trees and mountains
10.  The Light

I need to do this more, especially on days when I get up and I'm full of dread and fear.  Which has been a lot of them lately.  Today I got up excited, I am volunteering with the Orange Duffel Bag Initiative and I start today!  I'm excited and nervous and hopeful.  I believe this is what I was Led to Georgia to do.  I focus today on the kids and being a loving, open, guide.  Love and Light.