Monday, July 9, 2012

7-9-12 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  Creativity and talent
3.  Sunrise, a new day
4.  Music
5.  Chanting
6.  Meditation
7.  My car running well
8.  All my emotions
9.  New beliefs and committment
10.  Unconditional love

Technology has robbed us of natural lessons of transformation.  I've been wondering lately why does it take so long for a new affirmation, a new belief to take hold in me.  I decide on a new belief and it seems like my emotions are against me.  Things are not better right away.  I see that my new belief is the healthy way to be and yet I catch myself doing the unhealthy behavior.  And that's where modern technology has robbed us from lessons from nature.  We walk into a pitch black room, flip a switch and BAM! instant light bright as day.  We can even have it set up to flip a switch and BAM! a roaring fire.  That's where we get so frustrated when we decide to believe something new and it doesn't transform everything about us immediately.  We think what's wrong with me?  If we were still living close to nature, the lessons would be there for us.  Have you ever tried to start a campfire with flint and steel.  The spark is the new belief.  The belief in fire.  To start I have to concentrate and focus on getting the spark to land on the tinder, then carefully pay attention to the small fragile flame that starts. I have to feed little bits into it slowly and nurture the flame.  I can't dump a whole bunch of wood on the small fire and walk away expecting to come back to a roaring campfire.  I have to be there watching it, feeding it, creating the environment for the belief to take hold and grow.  Slowly adding larger twigs, gently and with patience, and slowly larger.  Eventually I have I fire I do not have to have my whole focus on for a while and I only need to throw a log on it every once in a while.  That's what we have to do with these affirmations and new beliefs.  We expect them to just take hold, but there is more we have to do.  We have to create the experiences to validate and support those new beliefs.  We have to focus on them and nurture them.  There is something beautiful about this transformation.  And I have a reminder daily of this beauty, the sunrise.  At the end of the night, there is a new belief of a new day.  This belief doesn't make the sun pop into midday.  There is a process of transformation and it is a glow on the horizon, and then the beauty of the sunrise transforming this new belief of a new day into reality.  That is the beauty of transformation.  Love and Light.

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