Thursday, January 5, 2012

1-5-12 grateful for today

1. My adorable dog
2. Changing my decision
3. Chanting and music
4. Acupuncture and moxie stick
5. Communicaton
6. Breathing
7. Energy awareness/feeling
8. Creativity and gifts
9. Being of service
10. Unconditional love

There is a freedom that we all have that I constantly forget about. The freedom to change our mind. The freedom to change my decision. I recently made a decision, a large one, it is a committment to a group for the next 6 months. And I decided to be in the group in a certain role. And last night the question was brought up if I wanted to be in a different role. I had to sit with the question for a while so that I felt that this opportunity was open to me. My first reaction is to be confused because I had already made a decision so changing it is not open to me. Once I realized that this suggestion does not disregard nor disrespect my original decision, then I was free to consider what would be in the highest good of the group. How would my gifts be of the best service to the group? I was able to see that recent changes and discoveries about myself did change which role I would be of the highest good to the group. This is a big step for me. I've been known to be stubborn (a regular "bulldog") of chomping down on a decision or path or plan of action and not letting go to the detriment of what I really was trying to accomplish. I am open to change.
Love and Light.

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