Wednesday, January 4, 2012

1-4-12 grateful for today

1. My adorable dog
2. Cold weather and lots of blankets
3. Music and chanting
4. Connection with good friends
5. Breath of wind
6. Creativity and imagination
7. My talent and abilities
8. Expressing my emotions
9. Depth
10. Unconditional Love

We are 4 days into the new year in the Western world and almost to the chinese new year. It seems to be a period of transition. I feel like I'm in transition inside. My therapist used a good phrase yesterday, sorting it out. Have you ever watched a small child while they are learning something? I believe that's a good phrase for that process, sorting it out. There were some times in my small child past that I was never given the chance to sort out. I have that opportunity now. It's a strange feeling. Because the process was frozen at such a small age, I'm processing first at that age, and adults process differently.
Love and Light.

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