Tuesday, January 17, 2012

1-17-12 grateful for today

1. My adorable dog
2. Cool weather
3. Working outside today
4. Breathing
5. Speaking my truth
6. Listening to my body
7. The Light surrounding and within all
8. Faith and Trust
9. My growth process
10. Unconditional love

I need to clear up somethings that happened yesterday. I was outside doing physical stuff with co-workers, putting doorhangers around the neighborhood, and I was resisting my body's signals that I couldn't do much more. Sometimes I will push through this and find that I open to a greater capacity of breathing and physicality, other times I push and damage myself or make myself sick. I become foggy of this clarity when others are around because my unhealthy need to appear strong and unaffected comes out. And when this happens, the anger at myself for not speaking my truth of needing to rest or stop comes out sideways at others. I said mean things to others in my group with the veil of a mischevious smile and illusory blanket of "I'm joking". Mean words are still mean words, "joking" is an illusion I put up so I blind myself to my mean self. I will be apologizing to my co-workers this morning. And paying attention to my body.
Love and Light.

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