Thursday, January 19, 2012

1-19-12 grateful for today

1. My adorable dog
2. Gentleness
3. Crying
4. Chanting and music
5. Abundance
6. Therapy session
7. Trust and Faith
8. Unconditional love
9. Connection
10. My car running well

That is my list today. I don't know what else to write about today. About 20 years ago I walked straight into a forest alone, promising myself I would never return, it was night and I walked through brush and around trees and kept going straight through everything not caring that branches and pickers were pulling on my clothes and scratching my skin. I came to a lake and was going to keep walking right into it and sink to the bottom. I sat down on the bank, I don't know what stopped me. I saw a glow rising from behind the trees on the other side of the lake. It was so bright, I was surprised it was the full moon. It looked so big and close. I sat and watched it rise, saw it's huge reflection in the water of the lake. I watched it rise and rise above me and I saw something that looked like a streak of light in the night sky. Not a meteor because it was staying where it was, not moving and getting brighter. Like cut of light through the black night. More and more streaks appeared and colors and glows and the whole night sky was lit up with these streaks of light. It was the aurora borealis.
That happened, I remember everything of that experience. I was alone. There was nobody there to ask "did that really happen?" I didn't need anybody to say "yes, it really happened." I also don't have anybody telling me it didn't really happen. That's the difference between knowing that experience happened and having trauma inflicted on me by another person and that person denying that it didn't happen at all. I'm looking for that person that will tell me "yes, it really happened." Trusting in my truth doesn't seem to be enough.
Love and Light.

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