Wednesday, January 18, 2012

1-18-12 grateful for today

1. My adorable dog
2. Sore muscles
3. Chanting and music
4. Trusting the next step even when it doesn't make sense
5. Feeling inside physically and emotionally
6. Honoring all my emotions
7. Honoring those around me and their Lights
8. Faith in the Light that is everything
9. My car running well
10. Unconditional love

While sitting here making this list I felt the blanket of numbness that I have put on myself lift. As that happens, I hear my hurt from a long time ago crying to be let out, to be free. I have held in buried and prisoner for so long, muffled and stuck under so many layers to keep myself from feeling the fullness of hurt. It's crying to be free and the only way out is through me. That's the only way I know. My acupuncturist tells me of another way, of dissolving. I don't understand how to do it. It sounds like a gentle way to freedom. They way that I know, is to let hurt rip through me and out. Is there a gentle way? Am I not seeing this gentle way because I believe I deserve to be ripped apart? Gentleness is something I am grateful for.
Love and Light.

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