Saturday, October 8, 2011

10-8-11 grateful for today

1. Rainy blustery weather
2. My adorable dog
3. Tai Chi
4. Slowly loosening up to let go
5. Naps
6. My own pace
7. Abundance
8. Office supplies
9. Garbage service
10. Being okay with me

Today is a rainy blustery windy day. One that I feel totally relaxed and energized at the same time. At Tai Chi today, the concrete that have been my shoulders loosened up and cracks have appeared. It's painful when muscles that are in the habit of being tense 24 hours a day for decades loosen up. The cracks grind against each other when I move, causing more pain. And the cracks let the light in. You know that pain in your eyes you feel when coming out of a dark movie theater into bright sunlight after a matinee show? My shoulders feel like that, the pain of the light being let in after so many years of darkness. And emotions buried in there are coming out. I felt sadness and fear and hurt as I let go and released my stranglehold on where I buried my emotions. Things are coming up. I'm grateful for garbage service because this physical emotional holding on within me, was projected out into my space and my 1 bedroom condo is slowly starting to look like one of those places on that "Hoarders" show. I am going to be filling garbage bags. I hurt a lot when I let go, and that's the only way I will then be free to feel joy.
Love and Light.

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