Wednesday, October 5, 2011

10-5-11 grateful for today

1. My adorable dog
2. My car running well
3. Chanting
4. Gathering of my friends
5. Drumming
6. A quiet morning alone at work
7. Breathing
8. Sleeping
9. Going at my own pace
10. Unconditional love

I was debating putting "Having a snooze button" on my grateful list. I use my snooze button way too much in the morning, to where my plan of having a relaxing slow morning goes out the window. I'm sure the snooze button was invented for people that are truly trying to get up when the alarm goes off, and as they are sitting there trying to gather their consciousness together to get up, unknowingly slip back into slumber. For me, it's become a habit to plan in "snooze time" for when I set my alarm, because I'm going to hit it 5 or more times before I actually get up. There are many days that I resent the alarm clock. I feel so much better when I wake up naturally without anything jolting me out of my sleep. When I ran my own business, it was great because I didn't have any set office hours, I woke up when I wanted. I felt my best those years. I have all the tricks to get my up during the first alarm. My alarm is placed away from my bed so I actually have to get out of bed and walk over to it to snooze it. This worked for a few weeks, and now I'm very well capable to get out of bed, snooze, and go back to bed and instantly asleep. I started making myself go into the living room . . . where I promptly fall back asleep on the couch. My dog doesn't try to get me up anymore with the alarm, he's getting older, so he's learned he can stay in bed and sleep more than me. Here's to shifting the business model to allow for natural awakenings.
Love and Light.

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