Thursday, October 27, 2011

10-27-11 grateful for today

1. My adorable dog
2. Breathing
3. Chinese medicine & acupuncture
4. Chanting & singing
5. Surrender into the Light
6. Unconditional Love
7. Being a part of and engaging in life
8. Endless possibilities in every moment
9. Acceptance and Release
10. Choosing to be free

Every day my breathing becomes clearer and clearer. The pain I'm feeling is the pain of healing. I am healing and everything I experience is to "purpose" me to my higher being. I'm not sure if that last statement makes any sense to anybody else but me. What I'm trying to say instead of "leading" or "forming" or "changing" or "pushing", those words mean a force outside of myself, to me. (Yes, I still have some issues with surrendering). Those words mean forcing me to be something other than what I want. I know that's not the true meaning of those words, its what I've internalized about the experiences around those words for me. So, I chose "purpose". So that I'm reminded that my experiences' purpose is to give me choices to move toward my higher being. Reminding me to engage in life and my experiences and not to just let them roll over me. I'm a bit confused about some aspects of this like surrendering and accepting the experience as it is and knowing that I have a choice of reaction to it, or something like that. I choose healing. I choose my higher being.
Love and Light.

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