Monday, October 17, 2011

10-17-11 grateful for today

1. My adorable dog
2. Creativity
3. The homeless man on the corner
4. All my experiences over the weekend
5. Surrender Into The Light
6. Unconditional love
7. Connection
8. Chanting and music
9. Flexibility and freedom
10. My house a little bit clean

When I drive to work, at a particular corner, there is sometimes a homeless man. He's not there every day. When he is, he walks down the line of cars at the stop light looking for donations for the Homeless Voice, a homeless advocacy group. He smiles and waves at the drivers and sometimes stops when a drive drops some money into his bucket. When he sees me he stops and gives me a warm smile, puts his free hand on his heart and slightly tips his head in a nod. From my car seat, I do something similar. I feel as if we have saluted and I always smile and feel better. I want to say thank you to that man for being him. Several mornings when I'm struggling with life and meaning and purpose, struggling to just get through the day. His salute, even though it's a small movement, is huge meaning to me.
I haven't seen him lately, and I want to stop and thank him and shake his hand. I feel afraid to tell him. And I have allowed my fear of being vulnerable to stop me from thanking him. I am grateful for this homeless man who has touched my heart.
Love and Light.

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