Monday, December 10, 2012

12-10-12 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  Helpful fun friends
3.  My car running well
4.  Music
5.  Chanting
6.  Gentleness
7.  Unconditional Love
8.  Sleeping well
9.  Breathing
10.  The Light.

Over the weekend a bunch of friends and I were sitting around on the floor relaxing and talking.  A good friend of mine reached out playfully and squeezed my toes and unknowingly to her, I had a broken pinky toe that she squeezed as I was wearing socks.  I yelled out in pain. She couldn't see my bruised and swollen toe hidden inside my socks.  She immediately said, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that."  The thing is that she reached out with playfulness, love and gentleness and unknowingly touched a wound that I have.  There was no way for her to know I had a broken tow.  And we all do that sometimes, reach out with love and gentleness and no matter how gently, if we touch a wound it hurts the other person.  We didn't know the wound is there, there was no way for us to know.  As a child nobody explained this to me, so I started believing that reaching out with love and gentleness and play causes wounds in others.  I had no idea that the wound is theirs, that it was there way before I ever reached out and unwittingly touched it.  Others are responsible for caring for their own wounds, as I am responsible for mine.  I want my friend to reach out to me playfully with love, I want her to continue doing it.  My toe will heal and not always be broken.  Love and Light.

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