Sunday, February 5, 2012

2-5-12 grateful for today

1. My adorable dog
2. Washer and dryer in my home
3. Quakers
4. Journal and writing
5. Circles and squares
6. Unconditional love
7. Breathing
8. Relaxation
9. Responsibility
10. Abundance

Now I think of Puppy Bowl to put on my list. I had it on for about 20 minutes and had to shut it off because I started getting a headache from my dog barking at it non-stop. The joy of playing with puppies, there are no rules, no goals, no strategies, no objectives. I roll on the floor and puppies jump and roll on me. I laugh and giggle and their tails wag. Running to each other and away and jumping on each other for the sheer joy of it. At what age do play and games become driven by rules rather than joy? At what point does running around purely for the joy of moving my body become I can run faster than you? Do we naturally do this? Is there a culture that does not have competition in its games or fun? I'm so glad that now for kids teams everybody gets a trophy for playing. Come out and play.
Love and Light.

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