Saturday, February 25, 2012

2-25-12 grateful for today

1. My adorable dog sleeping on me
2. Spirituality and chores
3. Breathing
4. Relaxing slow day
5. Air conditioning
6. Water
7. All my emotions
8. Unconditional love
9. Finding my center in silence
10. My life

I was reading "The Wisdom Way of Knowing" and the author starts out by saying a bunch of like minded people went on a retreat to practice mystical and ancient ways of Wisdom. And part of their retreat was spiritual tasks like meditation, prayer, chanting, and woven inbetween those were chores, like dishes and chopping firewood and sweeping and dusting. To interleave those is to do chores with a sense of spirituality. I liked that. I have a hard time doing chores around my house. I now do something spiritual before and after doing them and make my chores part of my spirituality. It helps. It also makes me more aware of more emotional triggers, like becoming more and more agitated as I work my budget and finances for the month . . . and I left that chore and watched a movie. I choose to step into my soul and live my life fully. I am safe.
Love and Light.

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