Monday, February 27, 2012

2-27-12 grateful for today

1. My adorable dog
2. Dreams
3. Love and Light
4. Music and Chanting
6. Sacredness
7. My car running well
8. My wonderful creative job
9. Living from my center, a new way of being
10. Unconditional Love

I watched the Oscars last night. The only award show I watch anymore. I used to be sure that I watched every single movie that was nominated before the show. For some reason, I haven't made the time nor the money to do that. I love movies. I realized last night that what draws us to the movie, or maybe what is similar in all movies regardless of genre is pain and hurt. Even comedies have pain and hurt in them so that we can laugh at it. Pain and hurt is being human and it is interesting that our culture has developed to teach us all to deny that pain and hurt in ourselves. I learned very well. I was taught that nobody wants to hear about it, that I'm weak to show that I've been hurt. And yet, showing our hurt to others, being vulnerable, is the true way to connect, to find that compassion within ourselves and others. All of this hurt and pain needs to be acknowledged and expressed and released. And we go to the movies for the vicarious illusion that someone has witnessed our hurt and pain. Movies are great, have the movie touch your wound and after the movie, find a trusted friend, or a stranger with gentle eyes and express your wound that it touched. Allow some air to your hurt and allow it to heal.
Love and Light.

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