Monday, September 5, 2011

9-5-11 grateful for today

1. Day off from work

2. My adorable dog

3. Hanging out and sharing with friends

4. Openness and trust

5. Doing what I want all day

6. Responsibility for my actions

7. Unconditional love

8. Movies

9. Chanting

10. Time

I watched movies today. Three movies. I started the day with a movie, went to a movie with a friend and ended the day with a movie. On Friday I had Projects planned for the three day weekend. I was going to be Productive! I was going to Organize myself. I was going to Catch Up. I ended up sharing myself with friends and receiving their sharing and love. I like that. I enjoy that. The rest of the time when I was at home . . . . well, movies. For a long time, especially as a child, movies and tv shows were my friends. They were my escape from what was happening to me where I was too little and powerless to do anything. Little kids love to watch and rewatch and rewatch a movie or show. I still like to do that. It's like having an old friend over to reminisce. I like new good movies. I guess sometimes it's like a substitute from real experiences. Having experiences, new ones, and ones that feel familiar is what life is about. Experiencing life. Well, I became terrified of that at a young age and movies and tv shows were a "safe" way of experiencing life, without actually experiencing it. I could trick myself. It's a hard thing for me to let go of. Odd that I think of letting go of it when I'm in the industry being a video producer and have a passion for making movies. It's my intention I need to be aware of when I sit down for a movie. Like this morning it was to not be here, and this evening, to not be here, but the movie with my friend was inspiring and moving and got me wanting to make another movie.

Love and Light.

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