Saturday, September 15, 2012

9-14-12 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  Tai Chi class
3.  Playing with a friend
4.  My car running well
5.  Creativity and talent
6.  Coloring books and crayons
7.  Feeling and expressing my emotions
8.  Permission to be human
9.  Unconditional love
10.  Forgiveness

I heard a great thing from my Tai Chi teacher today.  I admitted that I don't practice at home, that I haven't ever really practiced at home, only in class.  I pick a lot of things up really easily so that I don't have to practice and teachers assume that I must be practicing because I am progressing faster than most in their class.  This has been the way I have done things even in school.  I didn't have to practice or study.  Even learning piano and the drums, I seem to pick it up easily.  So I admitted to my teacher that I don't practice.  That I have a new commitment as of today to practice daily.  He told me that the practice isn't to get the movements correct or to remember them, it's a daily routine to inhabit my body and learn to feel my own energy and move it, to connect my lower body to my upper body, to shift it and transform it, to cleanse my own energy, to release blocks and let my energy flow.  That's what the daily practice is for and since I haven't been practicing daily, that's why my blocks are still in my lower back and connecting to my legs.  Even when my form looks very good.  I can think about Tai Chi all day, it's in the moving and practicing the movement will the shift and the release happen.  I need to take this to my emotional work also.  Love and Light.

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