Wednesday, April 24, 2013

4-24-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  Therapy
3.  Sleeping
4.  Chanting
5.  My car running well
6.  Endless possibilities in every moment
7.  Unconditional Love
8.  Openness
9.  Speaking my Truth
10.  The Light

I have been mildly sick with a cold since last Saturday.  A lot of feeling run down and generally ill.  The one thing that is annoying is this low-grade headache that doesn't seem to go away.  I'm not one to usually get headaches, its a rare occurrence for me.  Even in my dream last night, I had a headache.  I'm grateful that I have an understanding and caring boss and that I can do some easy things at work that aren't too concentration intensive, so I can relax a bit while I'm at work.  My life, when I slow down and look at it, has become in a space that's pretty relaxed and easy.  I'm the one getting worked up about every little thing.  I'm the one making my dirty cluttered house into an intense emotional wreck.  I get up, walk the dog, go to work, come home, walk the dog, and watch a movie.  Pretty easy.  It's just that I have a lot more going on emotionally than that.  Maybe that's why my days look so mundane.  Love and Light.

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