Wednesday, April 17, 2013

4-17-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  My car running well
3.  All my emotions
4.  Sharing honestly
5.  My wonderfully creative job
6.  Journaling
7.  Silence
8.  Unconditional Love
9.  Forgiveness
10.  Endless possibilities in every moment

Today was a day.  It started out with issues dumped on me as I walked through the door.  My boss trying to talk to me about an issue (that could have waited) while I was live switching and controlling 4 cameras at an event (very hard to do even without trying to hold a conversation).  After being brain fried all morning, I had trouble getting my brain to work to be able to teach my intern how to edit a documentary together.  And then a therapy session after all that.  My day was amazing.  And there are endless possibilities in every moment.  AND endless perspectives in every moment.  I was definitely heading down the belief track of "bad day today" that leads to the pit of "life sucks".  My turning point was therapy.  I decided to be open and willing, and an amazing opening and revelation happened for me.  I had to slog through some hurt and tears and fear to get to it, and I stayed open and willing.  I need to bring that openness and willingness to every experience.  I need to express (if only to myself) when I'm scared and hurt.  A huge weight has been lifted off of me today, and I am grateful.  Love and Light.

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