Thursday, December 1, 2011

12-1-11 grateful for today

1. My adorable dog
2. Sage
3. Chanting
4. My creative job
5. Breathing
6. Silence
7. Sunlight
8. Cool weather
9. Unconditional love
10. Honoring all my emotions

I woke up this morning and groggily stumbled about as I sometimes do. I go through my morning routine and wake up gradually and feel a tiny sense of anxiety down deep. I chant to bring in love and spirituality into my day, and the tiny anxiety is still there. I see my sage and on impulse decide to sage and cleanse my apartment. I'm feeling fuller with joy of life and peace and the tiny anxiety is still there. I decide to ignore it and go into tasks of this modern life we live in and fire up the computer to pay a bill. As the computer is booting I look over to the sunshine streaming in the window and there in the rays are the feathers of the sage smoke slowly and gracefully dancing in the sun. I sit quietly and watch.
Love and Light.

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