Friday, December 16, 2011

12-16-11 grateful for today

1. Sleeping well
2. My adorable dog
3. My car running well
4. Breathing
5. Sharing spiritual rituals with friends
6. Having a date for Saturday night
7. Creativity and design
8. Joy and Love
9. Community and noble friends
10. Enjoyment of every emotion and experience

There is a way of being where I enjoy every experience and emotion, even sadness, hurtful, and painful things. I'm aware of when I'm in the mode and I wonder if I am taking away from those emotions and I don't believe I am. I think I am in those emotions even further. I guess it's similar to what I've heard "runners high" is. Where a runner pushes themselves and past the pain of running they get a kind of euphoria and the pain of running is enjoyable? I don't know, I've never experienced it. Maybe "enjoy" is not the right word for what I've felt. Well, let me try to explain when I know I'm not "enjoying" every experience and emotion. I have a tendency to resist feeling emotion. I know a lot of people and in general our culture tends to train us to resist feeling hurt, sad, anger, pain. I know that I also have a tendency to resist feeling happy, joy and fun. When I resist feeling my emotions or feeling the experience I'm having (trapped in analyzing in a cold objective scientific way), I am not feeling "enjoyment". I am not feeling and that resistence of feeling any emotion is a suffering. A dampening of spirit, of truth, a pouring of water on a fire. A lot of smoke and not able to see or breathe life clearly. Allowing all my feelings flow through me, I feel alive, an enjoyment, a full (I don't know the word) spirit. I am not good at this yet. I catch myself resisting and struggle with letting go of that resistance. I know how I want to experience life.
Love and Light.

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