Monday, December 26, 2011

12-26-11 grateful for today

1. My adorable dog
2. The day off
3. Chanting
4. Writing
5. Free to express my emotions
6. Staying home
7. Perseverance
8. Baby steps
9. Strength and courage
10. Unconditional love

I don't really want to be writing this post or coming up with things I'm grateful for today. I was looking forward to staying home and not having anything planned or anywhere that I needed to go. Now I'm sitting here and I'm forced to take a long uninterrupted look at what a mess my life is. Let me narrow that down and make it not so general. I have my desk littered with bills unpaid and a budget not looked at for a month. I have my dining room table piled high with projects half finished, paper that was thrown there because I don't know what to do with it and other miscellaneous things that fall under the category "I want to keep this but I don't know why and I don't know where to put it." Things I keep lose the honor I have for them if I don't find a place in my home for them. Just like project I don't honor to make time to finish for them. And I sit looking around, overwhelmed with stuff and clutter. Time to make room for me in my own house! Time find places for all things whether with me or with someone/place else. First off, I'm taking the christmas tree down. That will make some room.
Love and Light.

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