Thursday, April 8, 2010

4-8-10 grateful for today

1. Happy Hour
2. My video equipment
3. Laughing doubled over until no sound comes out and tears do
4. Good friends
5. Food
6. My bed and sleeping
7. Infinite possibilities
8. Bartering
9. Trust
10. Openness

I'm grateful for life. I have had a pretty rough time the past few days being grateful for things and finding negativity creep into my life. And with that, the illusion that the problems in my life are caused by external things. I am the power in my life and I choose to keep my power. Therefore I take full responsibility for my life as it is. I have made the choices in it and I am the one that has gotten me to this moment. The universe is infinite as I am infinite.

I can hear some of you say, "Oh, THAT'S why you haven't been blogging your grateful list everyday, you been having a rough time." Which can make sense. I choose to believe it is the other way around. I've had a rough time being grateful because I haven't done my grateful list every day.

It seems as though my choices and decisions are getting bigger, that what I choose has more effect on my life. I think the choices have been there all along, I just didn't allow myself to see them. So, as I gather my power back, I'm seeing the bigger choices and adventure. And as I see the bigger choices and make decisions, I gather my power back. I've gotten scared a few times about all the possibilities presented to me. I realize now when I just want to sit and watch movies all day or play video games, it means I'm avoiding seeing a big choice or choices in front of me. I've had that the last few days, and when I'm present in the moment, I can see a huge number of possibilites for my life to choose from. And what's really cool, being a scanner, I get to choose all of them!

That's my 15 minutes.

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