Monday, April 12, 2010

4-12-10 grateful for today

1. Rain
2. My adorable dog
3. Engaging with people
4. Each new moment is a choice
5. A good friend to spend lunch with
6. Time moving along
7. Physical movement
8. Free
9. Abundance of opportunities and directions for me to go in
10. Choosing ALL

I made my list at work today. I was having a "my-life-sucks" day. I came home and had a cry and scream into my release pillow day. It's not even stuff that happened today. It was a build up of emotions getting stuck in my body. I have a lot of them stuck in my body. I'm grateful for my body. I'm grateful for physical movement to release all that is stuck all over my body. It's not just hurt and pain stuck in there. Pleasure and joy are stuck in there to. Along with excitement. What's very interesting for me is that I really have to pay a lot of attention to breathing when I'm doing physical activity. It needs to be conscious thought for me to breathe. Because for most of my life, I didn't breathe through physical movement or physical touching. Physical exercise is much different when I'm breathing. I feel like my blog is not very cohesive or coherent tonight. That's okay. There's always another tomorrow.

Much love and light.

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