Tuesday, October 30, 2012

10-30-12 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  My car running well
3.  Cool weather
4.  Sleeping
5.  Breathing
6.  My wonderful job
7.  Creativity and talent
8.  Unconditional Love
9.  Letting go
10.  The Light

"Let go and Let God."  I've heard this phrase and didn't really understand it until a couple of years ago.  I've spent so much time, especially through my childhood, hanging on.  Hanging onto sanity.  Hanging onto surviving.  Hanging onto any little thing that I had control of because so much was out of control.  It took me a long time to even know what letting go was.  I heard the phrase and didn't understand.  I finally did, I felt it inside, and I practice letting go.  I will tell you that my first instinct in any situation is to hang on.  So, I've been able to let go.  And this is mainly external things.  Letting go of trying to control things I don't have control of.  And yesterday I heard the message that it is time for me to Let Go and Let God work within me.  I've let the Light in and really let it in only where I wanted it to go.  Where I opened space for it.  This was a good step for me.  It was scary to begin with and I needed time to practice and be able to let Light in.  Now, I need to let go of more and let the Light work within me.  I've been having a hard time finding the right words to describe what I mean by "work within me."  Basically, I've been working hard on personal growth issues and delving inside to find my repressed and denied emotions and work to bring them up, and then when that's cleared within me, I allow the Light in to fill the space.  So, what would happen if I allowed the Light within me to permeate the dense walls of repression and denial that is still stuck in me.  Instead of me digging it out with a backhoe, let The Light within me expand and permeate and trust how the Light brings up within me and what it attracts to me in my life.  Let go and Let God.  Love and Light.

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