Thursday, November 17, 2011

11-17-11 grateful for today

1. Breathing
2. Acupuncture and herbs
3. Taking moments to calm and center
4. Water
5. Chanting
6. My wonderful creative job
7. The Light that is always all around everything
8. Being heard
9. My creative talents and abilities
10. My adorable dog.

I am easily annoyed today. I can see myself falling into the old habit of complaining, about the weather, about my health, about my co-workers, about the traffic this morning, about how they put school zone signs on a road that has no school within 1 mile of it. See, there I go complaining. I've been catching myself a lot before the complaint comes out. I don't like how I feel when I complain. I'm complaining about everything external. I know it's within me. I'm angry that I still feel sick, that I still have asthma wheezing, that I'm tired. My fuse is short today. I haven't cried in a couple of weeks. And the last time I cried, I stifled it, I talked myself out of it and in essence, stuffed it into my physical being. A lot of fear coming up. Fear that I'll cry myself into not breathing at all, Fear that I'll express my emotions and cause a major asthma attack and have to go to the hospital. I would like respect of my beliefs. I respect my beliefs and support my beliefs.
Love and Light.

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