Thursday, February 10, 2011

2-10-11 grateful for today

1. My adorable dog
2. Chakras and meditation
3. Chanting
4. A new morning, new beginning
5. Unconditional love
6. Awareness and choice
7. Acceptance
8. My car running well
9. My creativity and talents
10. Breath of life

This day is unknown to me. I'm a planner. I know what I'm doing at work, at lunch, after work. I know what I'm doing this weekend, and next week. My calendar is filled with places and times to do things. Today I don't know. I know I'm going to start out at work and my friend may have a window of opportunity to leave her abusive husband. There are a lot of ifs. If he leaves the house today, if she decides to take the risk, if I can get off work on short notice, if she moves in with me, if he finds out where she's gone, . . . a lot of ifs that keep going. Every if is followed by a then. My struggle is to stay open, stay in this moment. My struggle is to trust this moment I am in, trust that the next moment will flow, trust that I am a spiritual being having a human experience.
Love and light.

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