Thursday, August 18, 2011

8-18-11 grateful for today

1. Sleeping
2. My adorable dog
3. Having the office to myself
4. Freedom to create at my job
5. Unconditional love
6. My car running well
7. Rain
8. My comfy jacket
9. Healing emotional wounds
10. Honoring myself.

I am incredibly tired today. I was up late last night with group therapy, and it was well worth the time and effort. I learned that my actions of cleaning are healing and caring. I had always heard that you will feel better once it's clean. I equated that with being okay, being worthwhile. The reality is that nothing stays clean. Everything becomes dirty again. So I believed that because it would be dirty again, that meant I was a failure and worthless because I couldn't "keep it clean." You need to understand that my warped definition of "keep it clean" was to never get it dirty, which is impossible, and I set myself up for failure and worthlessness. My new belief/definition that "my actions of cleaning are healing and caring" is a very important discernment for me. I know it's going to get dirty again and now I can honor and care for myself repeatedly.
Love and Light.

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