Thursday, August 11, 2011

8-11-11 grateful for today

1. My caring and compassionate gynocologist
2. Music
3. My adorable dog
4. My car running well
5. Endless choices and opportunities in every moment
6. Trusting in the ability of compassion in every person
7. Unconditional love
8. My career of passion
9. My hands and touch
10. Growth and transformation.

I am so grateful to follow my heart and trust my doctor to reveal a traumatic event from my past. I essentially trusted a stranger, because I had not met my doctor before the exam, and trusted her to hold a deep healing emotional wound of mine. And she did. She was gentle and compassionate. I have healed a lot of that old emotional wound of mine and this experience of going to the doctor was another step in healing. I was afraid of my emotional wound being ripped open again as that had been my old pattern. I didn't know how to ask to be held gently or even that it was possible. I am so grateful for that experience. I have another such experience today as I need to have a test done and go to a lab where a technician will need access to the physical area where a lot of my old emotional wound resides. I am having a harder time trusting in the compassion and caring of this (now unknown) technician. I had decided before going to the doctor to tell her about my old emotional wound. I am not feeling that certainty of telling whoever this technician may be. That is my task today. I trust in the compassion, caring and heart of this technician today.
Love and Light.

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