Thursday, June 20, 2013

6-20-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  Breathing
3.  Unconditional Love
4.  Silence
5.  Music
6.  Creativity and talent
7.  Openness
8.  Vulnerability
9.  Endless possibilities in every moment
10.  The Light

It's Thursday.  Yesterday I thought it was Thursday.  Today I'm thinking it's Friday, but no, it is Thursday.  If I was on a deserted island like in the movie "Cast Away", would I be as vigilant as the main character to so diligently keep track of the day and dates?  No, definitely not.  Especially because I can't remember how many days are in each month.  It's not the same and it irks me if I think about it too much.  At one point in my life I tried to make my own calendar and even out the number of months and days of the week and days in a month, or even come up with whole new words and definitions of days and units of measurement   I wanted the metric system of time divided up by those easy units of 10.  But how does one do that when the year is 365.25?  [Sigh]  So today is Thursday, I thought it was Friday, but that is tomorrow.  Love and Light.

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