Wednesday, June 12, 2013

6-12-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  My car running well
3.  Creativity and talent
4.  Flowing with all of life
5.  Excellent friends
6.  Rain
7.  Breathing
8.  Unconditional love
9.  Freedom in my job
10.  The Light

I realize that I have only been looking at half of a cycle.  A lot of my readings and lessons lately are telling me to make my way through all my experiences.  To not get bogged down or stop halfway or try to avoid feeling pain and hurt.  Or try to avoid feeling joy.  There are lots of quotes and spiritual writings that tell of getting through the pain of loss there will be an opening greater than what was before.  On the other side of feeling hurt all the way through is a gift and joy.  I was not one to believe these sayings or teachings.  I only saw that joy brought pain.  I only saw that joy didn't last and I was once more thrown into hurt.  I avoided both and shut down feeling.  I now can see that it is a cycle.  Life continues with experience after experience and there will be both joy and hurt that will come through.  It will only pass through if I let it pass, if I don't stop and hold on.  Picture a wheel and joy is at the top and pain is at the bottom and it turns and turns through pain through joy.  All is life.  I only saw one half of this wheel before and I know of people that only see the other half.  Seeing all of it and allowing the wheel to turn is peace.  Love and Light.

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