Monday, February 4, 2013

2-4-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  Cool weather
3.  Warm blankets
4.  Sleeping
5.  Breathing
6.  Beginning anew
7.  Endless possibilities in every moment
8.  Silence
9.  Friends
10.  Unconditional Love

I'm feeling physically bad today.  I would have called in sick, but I have a new student intern starting with me today . . . some impression I'm going to leave on her, coming into work sick.  I'm noticing that good solutions to situations are not coming to me in time to implement them.  My thinking is slowed and confused.  Like for lunch today, I ordered and it was $6.20 and I handed them my card, they have a new policy that it is an $8 minimum for cards.  I say I have cash, I only have $6 in my pocket.  After she runs my card "this time only!" I realize that I have change and additional cash in the car.  I could have had a solution that makes everyone happy, but I didn't realize it until I was walking back out to my car with my food.  I feel sluggish.  I did not do my morning rituals of chanting and meditating.  I snoozed my alarm for 2 hours!  And I'm still tired . . . and coughing . . . and not breathing well.  I'm okay.  I'm safe.  I'm loved.  Love and Light.

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