Tuesday, June 28, 2011

6-28-11 grateful for today

1. Permeable boundaries
2. Unconditional love
3. Happy Hour
4. New friends and old friends
5. My amazing job doing what I love
6. My adorable dog
7. Having a rental car
8. Abundance
9. Openness
10. Listening to myself

I had a lesson last night on listening to myself. I've been doing the online dating thing and had a chance to meet someone I met through the dating site. From the first few phone calls I was feeling that this guy might not be for me. Conversations didn't flow easily and I didn't feel we were finding any common interests between the two of us. I continued on thinking that having my heart open and continuing might change something, or meeting in person there might be a different feeling or energy. Well, I met him in person last night and there was not a "spark" or an "attraction" from me to him. I was pleasant and open and giving him a chance. He wanted to kiss me immediately, and not a gentle "hello" type of peck. I was able to gently and with love tell him no and how I felt that this is a first date and none of that was going to be happening on a first date or maybe for several dates. He was himself to the best of his ability and I knew that his heart had closed a long time ago. He is on his own path. He tried again to kiss me twice more and I was able to say, "I'm leaving now. I hope you find somebody that wants to go the pace you want to go. It's not me." I felt releived and very proud of myself to gently and lovingly enforce my boundary and not take on any responsibility for his feelings. He is on his path and I hold him in the light.
Love and Light.

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