Friday, January 14, 2011

1/14/11 grateful for today

1. Acupucture and my acupuncturist
2. My adorable, loving, funny dog
3. My job and especially my co-workers
4. My friends, connecting heart to heart
5. My breath
6. Chanting
7. Meditation/Prayer
8. Endless possibilities
9. Unconditional love
10. Care and gentleness

I have a new co-worker sitting next to me. I am so grateful that she came into my life and into my workplace. I have been wanting to move on from this job I have and step more fully into my life and living my passions. My new co-worker is extremely intelligent and is catching on fast, has an open loving heart, and is likable and fun. I feel as the universe has provided me with "a changing of the guard" for this job and taking care of the co-workers that I love. All transition is hard and my new co-worker is making it so much easier for me to move on.
Also, you have probably noticed my sporadic posts and long periods of silence on this blog. All I have to explain myself are excuses which are illusions covering up the deep truth that I did not believe I am good enough to have things to be grateful for. I tried to be blind and deny that I deserve unconditional love, care, and gentleness. I deserve it for myself and from myself. I have learned that for myself.
I send much unconditional love and light out into the world.

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