Sunday, January 23, 2011

1-23-11 grateful for today

1. My loving adorable dog
2. Change and opportunities to change
3. Quaker meeting
4. Sharing honest feelings with Friends
5. Pumpkin bread
6. Unconditional love
7. Feeling as a whole part of something greater
8. My creative talents and abilities
9. Endless possibilities
10. The wonderful cold weather!

Chaplin has jumped up and is between my back and the back of the chair. I have always loved when he does this. It's been a bit awkward ever since I got a king size bed as I haven't moved my desk and there's not much room for the chair, let alone me and the dog, between the desk and the chair. It's time for some movement of energy. Time for a big move of energy. I think all of my furniture needs to move around. Create some new energy in here. It is possible that I projecting my inner energetic need for a big move onto my physical outer space. Or it could be that I have already shifted inside in a big way and I need to reflect it in my space. Or it's possible that both are interconnected and will shift and move simultaneous. I don't have the answers. I don't know when I'm going to move everything around.

Love and light.

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