Tuesday, July 9, 2013

7-9-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  Creativity and talent
3.  Breathing
4.  Hands and feet and my body
5.  Friends
6.  Therapy
7.  My car running well
8.  This beautiful day
9.  All my emotions flowing through me
10.  The Light

Grumpy and tired today.  I had an awareness this morning that I am afraid every morning.  Afraid to get out of bed and face the day.  What am I afraid of?  I dunno.  This has been a habit of mine for so long, that started so long ago, that I don't even know what I'm afraid of facing in the day.  It is a long time habit and I wasn't aware of my fear.  Well then, how could I be afraid if I didn't even know I was afraid?  The same way that driving to work, or to home tends to be done on autopilot.  You are aware and stop at all the stop lights and go through all the go lights, but are you really present and aware of driving completely?  It's the same thing.  I'm afraid and I habitually react to the morning as if I'm afraid and hit the snooze and go back under the covers, telling myself that I'm just tired.  No, this morning I was aware because I wanted to get up with the first alarm and not snooze, that's when I noticed my fear and also that it was so familiar to me to be afraid to get out of bed.  Now I know.  Now I can change it. Now I can see that there is not anything in my day to be afraid of.  Now I love my life and love my morning and choose to be excited that I have another day to do all the things that are amazing and wonderful in life, like breathing.  Love and Light.

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