Tuesday, July 23, 2013

7-23-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  Choices
3.  All my emotions
4.  Breathing
5.  Speaking up
6.  Adventure
7.  Creativity and Talent
8.  My car running well
9.  The Light
10.  Unconditional Love

I am Superman!!  Quite often, throughout my day, I am asked the question, "How are you?"  A lot of times these are from people I don't even know.  I used to always feel uncomfortable answering this, knowing sometimes my answer of "Fine" is not anywhere near my truth.  Also knowing that I'm not comfortable sharing with complete strangers that I am sad, or lost, or sick.  A lot of time even acquaintances don't even want to really know the true answer.  Now I know how to answer.  When I am asked, "How are you?" I respond, "I am Superman!"  Because I just discovered the incredible amounts of strength and courage I possess and owning all my strength I can get through anything I'm feeling.  I am Superman!!  Love and Light.

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