Wednesday, January 9, 2013

1-9-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  Creativity and talent
3.  My car running well
4.  Organization
5.  Endless possibilities in every moment
6.  Choices and responsibility
7.  Music
8.  Chanting
9.  Warm fuzzy blanket
10.  Unconditional Love

I made a decision today.  A decision to finally get on the smart phone bandwagon.  I believe that I will be able to keep my phone bill low by changing my account options when I get my phone delivered.  I'm now double guessing my decision.  I don't know if I decided to get this iPhone because I've seen all my friends and collegues having one, or if it is in my own highest good to have an iPhone.  I know I don't like my Blackberry, and I feel stupid when a friend hands me a their phone to do something with it and I don't know what I'm doing.  I am looking forward to having easier and fast access to take higher quality pictures without having to pull out my separate camera.  And looking forward to taking video easily when I haven't taken any home videos of kids or family in over a year.  I guess I'm expecting to make a decision and be happy with it right when I make it and I haven't been lately.  I've been making decision and then double guessing myself and wondering if I'm doing something that is in The Highest Good.  Well, we'll see, the phone is ordered.  I know I'm having a good time with my laptop.  Don't know if it's making me more organized.  Love and Light.

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