Thursday, January 10, 2013

1-10-13 Grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  Ability to figure out complicated things
3.  Creativity and talent
4.  This blog
5.  Focus and concentration
6.  Music
7.  Chanting
8.  Silence and meditation
9.  Unconditional Love
10.  Endless possibilities in every moment

I woke up today with a "coffee headache".  One of those headaches that only goes away with drinking coffee.  Which tells me I've been drinking way too much coffee lately.  I need to drink more water.  I feel better when I'm not addicted to coffee and when I drink more water.  Why do I not want to do what I need and what feels better for me?  It's my old buried belief, way down hidden under lots of other layers of misled logic and faulty rationalization, and way down under all of that stuff is my old belief that I do not deserve to feel good, that it is scary to feel good.  And that's why I do the things that make me feel bad or ill or jittery or headachy the next day.  It doesn't seem like that big of a deal, drink a glass of water instead of coffee.  Heck, I could even make it warm or hot water instead of coffee and still warm up.  And yet, going against a belief ingrained and pounded into me a long time ago is hard to do.  I hold myself with gentleness.  Love and Light.

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