Friday, September 20, 2013

9-20-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  Friends
3.  The Light in every person
4.  My car running well
5.  Breathing
6.  Unconditional Love
7.  Abundance
8.  Pictures
9.  Heat wraps
10.  Calmness

I was the Master of Ceremonies at an outdoor event yesterday that included raffle prizes being given away every 10 minutes.  I had a wireless mic and was wandering through the event making announcements of the raffles and other things going on at the event.  About halfway through a strange and wonderful and fun thing happened, I became like the Pied Piper at the event.  A large amount of kids surrounded me and followed me around wherever I went at the event.  Most of them holding their raffle tickets hoping to win the next prize, then hoping to win the next prize.  They were asking me questions and telling me what they did at the event and who their friends were.  It was a lot of fun and I found it very amusing that they followed me everywhere.  Even after I told them I wouldn't call another number for 10 minutes and was going to get water, they stuck with me.  I've done these same events in the past and this never happened before.  Love and Light.

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