Wednesday, March 6, 2013

3-6-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  My car running well
3.  A place to sleep at night
4.  Mastermind
5.  Good friends
6.  Breathing
7.  Cute baby animal videos
8.  Earth air sun trees
9.  Choices and responsibility
10.  Love and Light

I don't know what to write about today.  You can tell by my gaps in my posts that I have not been keeping up this practice lately.  I did so well for a year or so.  I wonder what happens within me that has me decide to stop, or maybe I start thinking I don't need this anymore.  It's not like I'm walking around constantly grateful (which is my goal).  Or even thinking positively more than negatively.  When I stop posting for stretches at a time, it is most likely the times I NEED to do this post every day. I sink into despair and negativity and I struggle with coming up with more than one thing.  It's easy for me to come up with my number one grateful every day, my dog.  The rest is harder.  Why isn't this just a list that keeps getting longer, why is it that it's not additive?  I could probably come up with a "standard 10" and just post that same list every day.  And I know my pitfall of doing that.  As soon as it becomes habit, routine, it doesn't mean anything.  I repeat the same things and I don't really feel the gratitude.  So I try to feel the gratitude for the things on this list, or sometimes I put things on it that I WANT to feel gratitude for.  Something to work on for the day.  I don't know what I'm doing.  Love and Light.

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