Friday, September 9, 2011

9-9-11 grateful for today

1. Awareness
2. My adorable dog
3. My creative job
4. All my emotions
5. Sleeping
6. Human connection
7. Life experiences
8. Forgiveness
9. Unconditional love
10. Receiving

This week has been an emotional one in large waves. I used to say an emotional rollercoaster and I realized that that phrase instills more panic and fear in me about my emotions. Waves for me imply more flowing with them and feeling through them. Sometimes when playing in large waves in the ocean, I come out of the water feeling like I have been thrown around a bit, and there's some effort on my part to break the surface to the air or keep my feet on the ground. The easiest way is to let go and flow with the waves and only fighting when I'm taken under. So this week has been full of joy, peace, and hurt, struggle, and excitement, hope, and grief, sadness. Right now I feel like I'm going under. I trust I will flow to calm and find my feet on the ground.
Love and Light.

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