Sunday, September 25, 2011

9-25-11 grateful for today

1. My adorable dog
2. Quaker meeting
3. Unconditional love
4. Water
5. Naps
6. Insight/Inner wisdom
7. Listening
8. Chanting
9. Leaves trembling when feeling the wind
10. Tigers

I had trouble coming up with 10 things today. I was sitting on number 10 for a while and an idea came to me. It wasn't listed. I was unable to list it on my grateful list. And this idea has brought tears to my eyes. In video editing, a moment in footage where you want to change the action in editing is called a "key frame". Like you have a graphic zooming in from the side and the moment you want to stop it in the center, you have to put a "key frame" in to change the action. There are times when I know I'm at a big step in my life, a key frame. If I decide to put a key frame in, I will change the motion that my life is going. This idea for number 10 is like that, I thought about putting "I am grateful for myself", and I was unable to do it . . . . today.
Love and Light.

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