Thursday, September 29, 2011

9-29-11 grateful for today

1. Chanting
2. My adorable dog
3. Rush (yes, the rock band)
4. Music
5. Affirmations
6. My creative wonderfully freedom filled job
7. Responsibility
8. Connecting with friends
9. Life and experiences
10. All my emotions being honored and expressed

I've been having trouble breathing for the past few weeks. I believe in mind, body, spirit connection and definitely in my emotions displaying in physical discomfort. Especially when I don't know that I have emotions buried. So many of my emotions I was not safe to express as a child became buried in different places in my body. Currently I have tightness around my chest and a knot in the middle of my back. I know relaxing this area physically will release the pain that is in there and that is hard. Have you ever held a fist as tight as you can for a minute or more and then tried to open your fingers slowly? It hurts and the muscles react weirdly and jumpy. What I'm trying to say is that I know what I need to do to releive this suffering of trouble breathing, and I'm scared to take those steps because of the pain that is buried. Breathing is also the Breath of Life. Taking deep breaths is taking life in fully. I am resisting taking charge of my own life. I'm okay at this moment.
Love and Light.

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