Monday, January 16, 2012

1-16-12 grateful for today

1. My adorable dog
2. Cool weather
3. Breathing
4. Surrender
5. Movement of stuff in my house
6. Purging
7. Chanting
8. Creativity
9. Unconditional Love
10. Being of service

I rearranged some big furniture in my house yesterday. Got rid of my bulky wooden entertainment center. Well, I took everything off of it and put my computer and video stuff in the living room with the TV and entertainment equipment and made more space in my bedroom. The bulky entertainment center piece of furniture is still in my living room on its side and now I have the obstacle/challenge of getting it out of my house. It's still very sturdy and usable and calling a charity to come and pick it up seems very hard to do for me. I am using my energy to move things in my house, so much has been stagnant and static, not touched or moved or looked at. Then that becomes my life. Static, patterned, stagnant . . . . Change in the present moment.
Love and Light.

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